Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dude that Commercial is Gay: New Kindle Comes Out

So it turns out The Gay is catching.  A few days ago the Kindle Paperwhite came out.

For me this commercial is refreshingly boring. It manages not to sensationalize gayness, though the very existence of a married gay man is odd enough for some viewers.  Still the positive portrayal of a gay relationship was enough to get the usual suspects all in a tizzy.  Conservative media watch group, One Million Moms stated, "We have Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite commercial that promotes gay marriage.  Instead of Amazon remaining neutral in the culture wars, while showcasing how their product has no glare even at the beach, they chose to promote sin."  Umm ok.  Why does a commercial with a married gay character get everyone so hot and bothered?  And why don't we see more of it?  

Americans were introduced to television in 1939.  The first television commercial aired in 1941.  Since then the two have gone together like peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, lesbians and softball.  Queer folk have made great strides in media representation, especially lately.  We have out celebrities, tons of movies, TV shows, TV episodes, our own section on Netflix, our own networks and we are practically immortalized in print.

JC Penny
Image credit:
But sit back, close your eyes and tell me the last time you saw a mainstream TV commercial with any of the GLBTs in it?  (PSAs or commercials with Ellen don't count).  I mean a Lysol commercial, a Burger King commercial, a Beggin' Strips commercial.  I'd even accept one with queer people in the background.  Go ahead, I can wait.
Chevy Volt Gay Pride Ad
So much fuss is made over the number of queer characters on TV shows, in music, on film, and rightfully so.  But every year I am shocked at the invisibility of queer life in commercials?!  Why such low representation you ask?  I can't say for sure, but I have a theory. We will use the Kindle ad as an example, imagine this.  Mom and Dad are watching "American Idol" with their kids, Jimmy and Susie.  Then right after the Ellen Cover Girl commercial, there is the Kindle commercial:

Man: Nope

"I just bought a Kindle Paperwhite.  *Leans towards woman.* "We should celebrate."

Woman: "My husband is bringing me a drink right now."

 Man: "So is mine."

Husbands wave from the bar.  


Commercial fades.  Mom and Dad look at each other.  Jimmy looks at Mom and asks, " Can boys have husbands?"

There it is.  The dreaded conversation so many families are afraid to have.  How dare "we" force them to talk about this issue to their kids.  Its not like they actually know any of "those".  Call me a skeptic, but I think the reason we rarely see commercials with queer content or people is because advertisers are afraid to spook potential buyers.  I think this perception used to be reality, but most Americans have evolved to the point where a gay character shopping at Marsh won't lead to a boycott of Marsh....right?  I get why CBS won't run the KY jelly commercial with Mark and Max, but can't the gay boy buy a sandwich at Mckie Ds?

 Come on America we're better than this.

P.S. Below are a few of my favorite queer commercials from the US.

Levi's Jeans Commercial Alternate Ending (2007)

Guinness Never Aired (1995)

Cheers to Guinness for being so awesome in 1995.


  1. I loved this commercial. I thought it was cute :)

  2. It is. Low key but powerful statement.

  3. How is the main male actor in the gay kindle commercial? He looks like Paul Green.
