WellCast, an animated Internet show, explores physical, emotional and psychological paths to wellness. The bi-weekly program covers a lot of wellness ground like dealing with depression, finding the perfect roommate and last week, how to come out.
Unfortunately, it seems WellCast is already catching a little heat for its coming out video. Something about how it shouldn't be geared towards kids, the "gay agenda," blah blah blah.
I think the video does a admirable job at confronting, consolidating and expressing what can be a very cumbersome topic. The 5 steps to coming out are sound, realistic and just plain good advice. What is cool about the video, besides the quirky humor and clever animation, is its advocacy for coming out from a WELLNESS perspective. Words like, "There's nothing healthier and nothing braver than living openly as yourself," may seem obvious, but they do make an impact. Queer people have always suspected, and in recent history have touted, that coming out is critical to one's mental and spiritual health. But to have a mainstream publication support that view so matter-of-factly is worth talking about.
Do the world a favor and go to the WellCast Facebook page and voice your support for the video. Also add a "thumbs up" on the YouTube page. You should also check out their other videos. The good people at WellCast just might know what they are talking about. Besides, who couldn't use a little free therapy?
WellCast --- you did well :)
ReplyDeleteRashmichan I think you are my number 1 fan.