Monday, March 4, 2013

Gay Republicans: Friend or Foe
Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up! On May 15th, American television will bring you CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), the greatest show on Earth!! This year's conference brings you American patriots like: Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Sarah Palin, you betcha'. Truthfully I can't wait to see what Conservative shenanigans will ensue next week, but my Elephant O's will be missing the marshmallows this year because the gays have been banned again. In 2011, the Log Cabin Republicans and Go Proud ruffled a few feathers with their presence at CPAC. In 2012 Go Proud was shooed away, and in 2013, both organizations were officially texted, "btw we are Never Ever EVER getting back together."

When I heard that both groups were banned from CPAC 2013 I was surprised. Not because a bunch of Conservatives excluded them from their reindeer games, but because of the timing. Who in the CPAC media relations group thought that excluding, what is arguably the most high profile minority group in the country right now, from CPAC was a sound political strategy? After getting a whoopin' in two election cycles, I thought the new Republican party line was centered around reaching out to minorities? I am a registered Democrat. But even I was a little disheartened and a lot of miffed with this decision. Why? Because no matter how you feel about gay Republicans/Conservatives in general, they are still gay and have been subjected to blatant discrimination and homophobia by their own party, and that's just not cool. What is worse is the non-reaction of the leadership of Go Proud and the Log Cabin Republicans.

According to the Huffington Post, GOProud's Jimmy LaSalvia stated, "We were kicked out last year and nothing has changed and we wont be at CPAC. The last communication I've had from them is that we were kicked out. Nothing has changed."

Log Cabin Republicans spokesman West Honeycutt said, "At the present time, we have no plans to participate in CPAC this year."

Now maybe I'm just a fiery jack a**, but these organizations should not let this stand. Where is the righteous indignation, the threat to protest, the pressure to boycott, the propensity to act up, THE PRIDE?

Many in the queer community feel confused, even betrayed when we meet gay Republicans. We think or ask why they would participate in a party that actively disenfranchises and demonizes them. I get the same sorts of questions when gay folks find out I'm a Christian. My first answer is usually "because I believe". And belief is independent of sexual orientation, please and thank you. Secondly, I can change my church from the inside faster than you can from the outside. And here is where I can gather some respect for gay Conservatives. Most of us expect only the Democrats to champion equality.


And that is fine, but there is so much else to do. Pinning all of our hopes and dreams on the Dems is, well foolish. But if gay Conservatives can form relationships with other Conservatives and get them to back away from hardline anti-gay positions, then the work of equality will move much more swiftly with a little help from our friends on the Right. And that ladies and gentlemen is the endgame after all.

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